Class ContainerProxy


The interface for a container proxy, which is itself a private API used by the private ContainerProxyMixin as part of the base definition of EngineInstance.


Module: @ember/owner

Given a FullName, of the form "type:name" return a FactoryManager.

This method returns a manager which can be used for introspection of the factory's class or for the creation of factory instances with initial properties. The manager is an object with the following properties:

  • class - The registered or resolved class.
  • create - A function that will create an instance of the class with any dependencies injected.

For example:

import { getOwner } from '@ember/application';

let owner = getOwner(otherInstance);
// the owner is commonly the `applicationInstance`, and can be accessed via
// an instance initializer.

let factory = owner.factoryFor('service:bespoke');

// The registered or resolved class. For example when used with an Ember-CLI
// app, this would be the default export from `app/services/bespoke.js`.

let instance = factory.create({
  someProperty: 'an initial property value'
// Create an instance with any injections and the passed options as
// initial properties.

Any instances created via the factory's .create() method must be destroyed manually by the caller of .create(). Typically, this is done during the creating objects own destroy or willDestroy methods.

Module: @ember/owner

Given a fullName return a corresponding instance.

The default behavior is for lookup to return a singleton instance. The singleton is scoped to the container, allowing multiple containers to all have their own locally scoped singletons.

let registry = new Registry();
let container = registry.container();

registry.register('api:twitter', Twitter);

let twitter = container.lookup('api:twitter');

twitter instanceof Twitter; // => true

// by default the container will return singletons
let twitter2 = container.lookup('api:twitter');
twitter2 instanceof Twitter; // => true

twitter === twitter2; //=> true

If singletons are not wanted an optional flag can be provided at lookup.

let registry = new Registry();
let container = registry.container();

registry.register('api:twitter', Twitter);

let twitter = container.lookup('api:twitter', { singleton: false });
let twitter2 = container.lookup('api:twitter', { singleton: false });

twitter === twitter2; //=> false