Class SchemaService


A SchemaDefinitionService implementation provides the ability to query for various information about a resource in an abstract manner.

How an implementation determines this information is left up to the implementation, this means that schema information could be lazily populated, derived-on-demand, or progressively enhanced during the course of an application's runtime.

The implementation provided to work with @ember-data/model makes use of the static schema properties on those classes to respond to these queries; however, that is not a necessary approach. For instance, Schema information could be sideloaded or pre-flighted for API calls, resulting in no need to bundle and ship potentially large and expensive JSON or JS schemas to pull information from.

To register a custom schema implementation, extend the store service or lookup and register the schema service first thing on app-boot. Example below shows extending the service.

import Store from '@ember-data/store';
import CustomSchemas from './custom-schemas';

export default class extends Store {
  constructor(...args) {
    this.registerSchemaDefinitionService(new CustomSchemas());

At runtime, both the Store and the StoreWrapper provide access to this service via the getSchemaDefinitionService() method.

```ts export default class extends Component {




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