Class AdapterPopulatedRecordArray


Represents an ordered list of records whose order and membership is determined by the adapter. For example, a query sent to the adapter may trigger a search on the server, whose results would be loaded into an instance of the AdapterPopulatedRecordArray.

This class should not be imported and instantiated by consuming applications.

If you want to update the array and get the latest records from the adapter, you can invoke update():


// GET /users?isAdmin=true
store.query('user', { isAdmin: true }).then(function(admins) {

  admins.then(function() {
    console.log(admins.get("length")); // 42

  // somewhere later in the app code, when new admins have been created
  // in the meantime
  // GET /users?isAdmin=true
  admins.update().then(function() {
    admins.get('isUpdating'); // false
    console.log(admins.get("length")); // 123

  admins.get('isUpdating'); // true


The flag to signal a RecordArray is finished loading data.


let people = store.peekAll('person');
people.get('isLoaded'); // true

The flag to signal a RecordArray is currently loading data.


let people = store.peekAll('person');
people.get('isUpdating'); // false
people.get('isUpdating'); // true

The modelClass represented by this record array.