Class EmberArray

Uses: Enumerable
Since: vEmber 0.9.0
import EmberArray from '@ember/array';

This mixin implements Observer-friendly Array-like behavior. It is not a concrete implementation, but it can be used up by other classes that want to appear like arrays.

For example, ArrayProxy is a concrete classes that can be instantiated to implement array-like behavior. Both of these classes use the Array Mixin by way of the MutableArray mixin, which allows observable changes to be made to the underlying array.

Unlike Ember.Enumerable, this mixin defines methods specifically for collections that provide index-ordered access to their contents. When you are designing code that needs to accept any kind of Array-like object, you should use these methods instead of Array primitives because these will properly notify observers of changes to the array.

Although these methods are efficient, they do add a layer of indirection to your application so it is a good idea to use them only when you need the flexibility of using both true JavaScript arrays and "virtual" arrays such as controllers and collections.

You can use the methods defined in this module to access and modify array contents in a KVO-friendly way. You can also be notified whenever the membership of an array changes by using .observes('myArray.[]').

To support EmberArray in your own class, you must override two primitives to use it: length() and objectAt().

Note that the EmberArray mixin also incorporates the Ember.Enumerable mixin. All EmberArray-like objects are also enumerable.