Class BelongsToReference


A BelongsToReference is a low-level API that allows access and manipulation of a belongsTo relationship.

It is especially useful when you're dealing with async relationships from @ember-data/model as it allows synchronous access to the relationship data if loaded, as well as APIs for loading, reloading the data or accessing available information without triggering a load.

It may also be useful when using sync relationships with @ember-data/model that need to be loaded/reloaded with more precise timing than marking the relationship as async and relying on autofetch would have allowed.

However,keep in mind that marking a relationship as async: false will introduce bugs into your application if the data is not always guaranteed to be available by the time the relationship is accessed. Ergo, it is recommended when using this approach to utilize links for unloaded relationship state instead of identifiers.

Reference APIs are entangled with the relationship's underlying state, thus any getters or cached properties that utilize these will properly invalidate if the relationship state changes.

References are "stable", meaning that multiple calls to retrieve the reference for a given relationship will always return the same HasManyReference.



The id of the record in this belongsTo relationship.

The id of the record that this reference refers to. Together, the type() and id() methods form a composite key for the identity map. This can be used to access the id of an async relationship without triggering a fetch that would normally happen if you attempted to use


// models/blog.js
import Model, { belongsTo } from '@ember-data/model';

export default class BlogModel extends Model {
 @belongsTo('user', { async: true, inverse: null }) user;

let blog = store.push({
   data: {
     type: 'blog',
     id: 1,
     relationships: {
       user: {
         data: { type: 'user', id: 1 }
let userRef = blog.belongsTo('user');

// get the identifier of the reference
if (userRef.remoteType() === "id") {
   let id =;

The link Ember Data will use to fetch or reload this belongs-to relationship.

The link Ember Data will use to fetch or reload this belongs-to relationship. By default it uses only the "related" resource linkage.


// models/blog.js
import Model, { belongsTo } from '@ember-data/model';
export default Model.extend({
   user: belongsTo('user', { async: true, inverse: null })

let blog = store.push({
   data: {
     type: 'blog',
     id: 1,
     relationships: {
       user: {
         links: {
           related: '/articles/1/author'
let userRef = blog.belongsTo('user');

// get the identifier of the reference
if (userRef.remoteType() === "link") {
   let link =;

any links that have been received for this relationship


the options to pass in.


a promise that resolves with the record in this belongs-to relationship.

Loads a record in a belongs-to relationship if it is not already loaded. If the relationship is already loaded this method does not trigger a new load.


// models/blog.js
import Model, { belongsTo } from '@ember-data/model';

export default class BlogModel extends Model {
  @belongsTo('user', { async: true, inverse: null }) user;

let blog = store.push({
   data: {
     type: 'blog',
     id: 1,
     relationships: {
       user: {
         data: { type: 'user', id: 1 }
let userRef = blog.belongsTo('user');

userRef.value(); // null

userRef.load().then(function(user) {
   userRef.value() === user

You may also pass in an options object whose properties will be fed forward. This enables you to pass adapterOptions into the request given to the adapter via the reference.


userRef.load({ adapterOptions: { isPrivate: true } }).then(function(user) {
  userRef.value() === user;
import Adapter from '@ember-data/adapter';

export default class UserAdapter extends Adapter {
  findRecord(store, type, id, snapshot) {
    // In the adapter you will have access to adapterOptions.
    let adapterOptions = snapshot.adapterOptions;

The meta information for the belongs-to relationship.

The meta data for the belongs-to relationship.


// models/blog.js
import Model, { belongsTo } from '@ember-data/model';
export default Model.extend({
   user: belongsTo('user', { async: true, inverse: null })

let blog = store.push({
   data: {
     type: 'blog',
     id: 1,
     relationships: {
       user: {
         links: {
           related: {
             href: '/articles/1/author'
         meta: {
           lastUpdated: 1458014400000

let userRef = blog.belongsTo('user');

userRef.meta() // { lastUpdated: 1458014400000 }

a JSONAPI document object describing the new value of this relationship.


if true, do not attempt to fetch unloaded records

Promise<OpaqueRecordInstance | null | void>

push can be used to update the data in the relationship and EmberData will treat the new data as the canonical value of this relationship on the backend. A value of null (e.g. { data: null }) can be passed to clear the relationship.

Example model

import Model, { belongsTo } from '@ember-data/model';

export default class BlogModel extends Model {
   @belongsTo('user', { async: true, inverse: null }) user;

Setup some initial state, note we haven't loaded the user yet:

const blog = store.push({
   data: {
     type: 'blog',
     id: '1',
     relationships: {
       user: {
         data: { type: 'user', id: '1' }

const userRef = blog.belongsTo('user');; // '1'

Update the state using push, note we can do this even without having loaded the user yet by providing a resource-identifier.

Both full a resource and a resource-identifier are supported.

await userRef.push({
   data: {
     type: 'user',
     id: '2',
 });; // '2'

You may also pass in links and meta fore the relationship, and sideload additional resources that might be required.

 await userRef.push({
     data: {
       type: 'user',
       id: '2',
     links: {
       related: '/articles/1/author'
     meta: {
     included: [
         type: 'user-preview',
         id: '2',
         attributes: {
           username: '@runspired'

By default, the store will attempt to fetch the record if it is not loaded or its resource data is not included in the call to push before resolving the returned promise with the new state..

Alternatively, pass true as the second argument to avoid fetching unloaded records and instead the promise will resolve with void without attempting to fetch. This is particularly useful if you want to update the state of the relationship without forcing the load of all of the associated record.


the options to pass in.


a promise that resolves with the record in this belongs-to relationship after the reload has completed.

Triggers a reload of the value in this relationship. If the remoteType is "link" Ember Data will use the relationship link to reload the relationship. Otherwise it will reload the record by its id.


// models/blog.js
import Model, { belongsTo } from '@ember-data/model';

export default class BlogModel extends Model {
  @belongsTo('user', { async: true, inverse: null }) user;

let blog = store.push({
   data: {
     type: 'blog',
     id: 1,
     relationships: {
       user: {
         data: { type: 'user', id: 1 }
let userRef = blog.belongsTo('user');

userRef.reload().then(function(user) {
   userRef.value() === user

You may also pass in an options object whose properties will be fed forward. This enables you to pass adapterOptions into the request given to the adapter via the reference. A full example can be found in the load method.


userRef.reload({ adapterOptions: { isPrivate: true } })

The name of the remote type. This should either be link or id

This returns a string that represents how the reference will be looked up when it is loaded. If the relationship has a link it will use the "link" otherwise it defaults to "id".


import Model, { hasMany } from '@ember-data/model';

export default class PostModel extends Model {
  @hasMany('comment', { async: true, inverse: null }) comments;
let post = store.push({
  data: {
    type: 'post',
    id: 1,
    relationships: {
      comments: {
        data: [{ type: 'comment', id: 1 }]

let commentsRef = post.hasMany('comments');

// get the identifier of the reference
if (commentsRef.remoteType() === "ids") {
  let ids = commentsRef.ids();
} else if (commentsRef.remoteType() === "link") {
  let link =;

the record in this relationship

value() synchronously returns the current value of the belongs-to relationship. Unlike record.relationshipName, calling value() on a reference does not trigger a fetch if the async relationship is not yet loaded. If the relationship is not loaded it will always return null.


// models/blog.js
import Model, { belongsTo } from '@ember-data/model';

export default class BlogModel extends Model {
  @belongsTo('user', { async: true, inverse: null }) user;

let blog = store.push({
   data: {
     type: 'blog',
     id: 1,
     relationships: {
       user: {
         data: { type: 'user', id: 1 }
let userRef = blog.belongsTo('user');

userRef.value(); // null

// provide data for reference
   data: {
     type: 'user',
     id: 1,
     attributes: {
       username: "@user"
 }).then(function(user) {
   userRef.value(); // user